Plant Based Spicy Noodle Stir Fry Recipe
Need to get rid of leftovers in your fridge? Pastas are a perfect way to clear out your produce drawer! Today I realized I have a lot of herbs and veggies to use before they go bad, so I thought I’d cook them. Stir fries have no rules, especially when you make up your own recipe. *bloop*
I forgot what store I got these noodles from, either Sprouts or Nugget. If you can't find them, Amazon is always an option for dry goods. I love experimenting with different noodles. This particular brand was great in texture, filling, and your taste buds won’t know they're made out of okra, lentils, barley and fenugreek.
So much flavor in this picture haha! If you’re not a fan of spicy food, you can skip out on the chili garlic sauce however, the flavor will come out slightly different. Spice is a hit or miss with me. When I’m at a restaurant, I don’t order anything spicy because it’s usually too hot, I prefer to know how much spice is being put in my food. The garlic and onion seasoning is from HomeGoods. You can use another basic garlic seasoning, it’ll taste just fine.
These are Brown Clamshell and Velvet Pioppini mushrooms. They are very delicate and cook down quickly. I washed them and broke them up with my fingers.
You know me...I needed more color. You can never go wrong with a few cherry tomatoes. These edamames have been in my freezer for a while, so why not add them in the pot?
All ingredients are optional! Don’t mind the cilantro in the photo, I didn't use it...too many herbs.
Before you drain your noodles, save one cup of pasta water for the stir fry.
Mix all the sauces with the pasta water to make a tasty broth.
Again...the chili garlic sauce is optional!
This is the color you want the broth to be before you pour the water into the pan.
Now it's time to taste the noodles! Is it just right or does it need a little help?
HELP! Tony Characher's, something I always have in my seasoning cabinet. I just put a few dashes of the seasoning. This is optional and you can use any other all purpose seasoning you have, anything will do.
Lastly, you will want to add the tomatoes and dill.
The tomatoes and dill don't need to cook down, it's in the dish for garnishing and color.
I hope you like it!
7 oz noodles
2 cups chopped or whole mushrooms
1 cup sliced orange bell peppers
4-6 garlic cloves, minced or finely chopped
1 cup chopped leeks
1 cup chopped red onions
1 ½ cup frozen edamame
½ cup cherry tomatoes, cut into halves
3-5 stems of rosemary
¼ cup chopped dill
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp garlic & onion spice seasoning
1 tsp your choice of all purpose seasoning, optional (I used T.C Original Creole, pictured above)
1 tbsp stir fry sauce
1 tbsp hoisin sauce
½ tbsp chili garlic sauce
1 cup pasta water (made from boiling the noodles)
Boil water and cook noodles. Follow directions and cook noodles on the packet.
Heat a large pan over medium heat with oil.
Add leeks, onion, rosemary and dry garlic and onion seasoning; mix and let cook for 5-7 minutes.
Next, stir in edamames and garlic. Let it cook for 5 minutes, then add bell pepper and mushrooms.
Take 1 cup of pasta water from the boiling pot. Mix in the hoisin, stir fry and chili garlic sauces in the hot pasta water.
Add the mixture in the pan with vegetables and stir. Add cooked noodles. Mix well for about 5 minutes, grab a fork and test it out! Salt to taste by adding your all purpose seasoning (optional).
Turn off fire. Remove rosemary, then garnish with dill and tomatoes.
Serve and enjoy!